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A capella
Shiru L'Adonai - Sing unto the Lord - for Chorus (SATB) - Youtube
Shiru L'Adonai - Sing unto the Lord - for female chorus - Youtube
Bat Yiftach - Jephtha's Daughter for soprano, baritone Chorus (SATB) and french horn solo - MP3
Mocheret Prahim ketana - The Little Flower Vendor for Chorus (SMA) - Youtube
Akeidat Yitzchak - The Sacrifice of Isaac for Chorus (SATB) - Youtube
Beterem for Chorus (SMAA) - Youtube
Yedidi Tintan - My friend Tintan for children's Choir (SM) - Youtube
Zochrim od Shemot - Still remembering names for female or children's voices (SMA)
With piano
Hayanshuf ve-hachochit - The owl and the goldfinch for female or children's voices (SAA) - MP3
With orchestra
Requiem for soloists (Soprano and baritone), Chorus (SATB) with piano or chamber orchestra - Youtube
Magnificat for soloists (Mezzo soprano and Baritone), Chorus (SATB) and chamber orchestra - MP3
Kohelet for soloists, chorus and string orchestra - MP3
Cain and Abel for soloists (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass), Chorus (SATB) and piano or chamber orchestra - MP3
Ki afar ata, ve-el afar tashuv - For Dust you are and to Dust you shall return for soloists, Chorus (SATB) and piano or chamber orchestra - MP3
Tzelem Elohim - The Divine Image for Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Baritone, mixed choir and symphony orchestra - I - Youtube
Tzelem Elohim - The Divine Image for Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Baritone, mixed choir and symphony orchestra - II - Youtube
David and Goliath - Part I - Youtube
David and Goliath - Part II - Youtube
Cantata - Haeish ve heharim - The fire and the mountains - Youtube
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